
En-gannim 2 (En-gannim) and surrounding region
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Joshua 19:21 Remeth, Engannim, En Haddah, and Beth Pazzez.
Joshua 21:29 Jarmuth with its suburbs, En Gannim with its suburbs; four cities.
EN-GANNIMen-gan'-im (`en gannim, "spring of gardens"):
(1) A town in the territory of Judah, named with Zanoah and Eshtaol (Joshua 15:34). It is probably identical with the modern Umm Jina, South of Wady ec-Carar, not far from Zanoah (Zanu`a).
(2) A town in the lot of Isaachat (Joshua 19:21), assigned to the Gershonite Levites (21:29). In 1 Chronicles 6:73 it is replaced by Anem. It probably corresponds to the Ginnea of Josephus (Ant., XX, vi, 1; BJ, III, iii, 4), and may certainly be identified with the modern Jenin, a prosperous village on the southern edge of the plain of Esdraelon, with beautiful gardens, fruitful orchards and plentiful supplies of water from the local springs.
W. Ewing